Cassie Grove

Class: Warlock

Neutral Good

Skill Proficiency: +15 Research | + 10 Humor

STR: 11

DEX: 13


INT: 16

WIS: 9

CHA: 17

Language: Common, Serpent's Tongue

Personality Traits: Curious, Organized, Easy-Going

Ideals: Courageous

Equipment: Magic Fire Sword, Snakeskin Armor


“Solar Flare” — Strikes with Magic Fire Sword for +6 burn. Also singes eyebrows.

“Poison Snakeshake” — Throws a homemade poisoned potion that will guarantee one of the following effects at random: paralysis, poison, mild inconvenience, or instant death.


Cassie is an amateur geologist and paleontologist. In her free time, she plays and DMs DnD and other tabletop games. When it comes to reading, you can find her in the New Wave/Science Fiction section (especially if the subject matter is super interesting, experimental, or weird). Cassie is a well-rounded gamer and occasionally finds herself lost in the world of Bloodborne for a few hours.